Northwest Territories HVAC Air Balance
Northwest Territories NS
Cities: Admiral Rock Advocate Harbour Afton Station Albert Bridge Alder Point Alton Amherst Annapolis Royal Antigonish Antrim Arcadia Arichat Askilton Aspen Auburn Auburndale Avonport Aylesford Baccaro Baddeck Baker Settlement Bald Rock Balls Creek Barneys River Station Barr Settlement Barra Glen Barrachois Barrington Barrington Passage Barss Corner Barton Bass River Bateston Bayside Bear Cove Bear River Beaver Bank Beaver Brook Beaver Cove Bedford Beechmont Beechville Belle Cote Belliveau Cove Belmont Belnan Ben Eoin Benacadie Berwick Bible Hill Bickerton West Big Beach Big Bras D'or Big Lake Big Pond Big Pond Centre Big Ridge Birch Grove Birch Hill Black Brook Black Point Black Rock Blacketts Lake Blandford Blind Bay Blockhouse Boisdale Boularderie Center Boularderie East Boutiliers Point Boylston Branch Lahave Bras D'or Brentwood Bridgetown Bridgewater Brookfield Brooklyn Brookside Brookside. Broughton Buckfield Caledonia Cambridge Camden Camperdown Canning Canso Cape Dauphin Cape Negro Cape North Capstick Caribou Marsh Carleton Carrolls Corner Castle Bay Catalone Catalone Gut Central North River Central Onslow Centre Burlington Centreville Chaswood Chelsea Cherry Brook Chester Chester Basin Cheticamp Cheverie Christmas Island Church Point Clam Point Clarks Harbour Clementsport Clementsvale Cleveland Clifton Cloverdale Clyde River Coldbrook Coldstream Cole Harbour Collingwood Corner Conquerall Bank Conquerall Mills Cooks Brook Cookville Cornwallis Cow Bay Coxheath Craigmore Crandall Road Creignish Cross Roads Country Harbour Crouses Settlement Crousetown Crowell Crowes Mills Currys Corner D'escousse Dalem Lake Danesville Dartmouth Dayspring Debert Deep Brook Densmores Mills Digby Diligent River Dingwall Dominion Donkin Duncans Cove Dutch Brook Dutch Settlement East Baccaro East Bay East Clifford East Dover East Gore East Lahave East Lawrencetown East Mountain East Pennant East Preston East Stewiacke Eastern Passage Economy Edwardsville Elderbank Ellershouse Elmsdale Enfield Englishtown Enon Eskasoni Eureka Fall River Falmouth Fergusons Cove Fishermans Harbour Five Islands Fletchers Lake Florence Fort Ellis Fortress Of Louisbourg Fourchu Framboise Framboise Intervale Frankville Freeport French Road French Village Frenchvale Gabarus Gabarus Lake Gardiner Mines Gays River Georges River Gillis Lake Gillis Point Glace Bay Glen Haven Glen Margaret Glenwood Goffs Goldboro Goodwood Goshen Grand Etang Grand Lake Grand Lake Road Grand Mira North Grand Mira South Grand Narrows Grand Pre Grand River Granville Ferry Grass Cove Great Village Green Bay Green Creek Green Oaks Greenfield Greenfield. Greenwood Grimms Settlement Groves Point Guysborough Hacketts Cove Halibut Bay Halifax Hammonds Plains Hampton Hantsport Hardwood Lands Harmony Harrietsfield Hatchet Lake Havre Boucher Head Of Chezzetcook Head Of Jeddore Head Of St Margarets Bay Heatherton Hebbs Cross Hebbville Hebron Herring Cove Highland Hill Hillside Boularderie Homeville Hopewell Howie Center Hubbards Hubley Huntington Hunts Point Indian Brook 14 Indian Harbour Indian Path Ingomar Ingonish Ingonish Beach Ingramport Inverness Iona Irish Cove Irishvale Ironville Isaacs Harbour Islandview Italy Cross Jamesville Jeddore Oyster Ponds Joggins Jordan Falls Judique Juniper Mountain Kempt Head Kemptown Kemptville Kennetcook Kentville Ketch Harbour Kingston Kinsac L'ardoise La Have Labelle Laconia Lake Charlotte Lake Echo Lake Egmont Lake Uist Lakeside Lakeview Lanesville Lantz Lapland Larrys River Lawrencetown Lawrencetown. Leitches Creek Lewis Lake Lexington Lingan Lingan Road Liscomb Little Bras D'or Little Brook Little Dover Little Lorraine Little Narrows Little Pond Little River Little Tancook Liverpool Loch Lomond Lockeport Londonderry Long Island Long Point Louisbourg Louisdale Lower Branch Lower East Pubnico Lower Five Islands Lower L'ardoise Lower Northfield Lower Onslow Lower Prospect Lower Sackville Lower Truro Lower Washabuck Lower Wedgeport Lower West Pubnico Lower Woods Harbour Lucasville Lunenburg Lydgate Mabou Macadams Lake Maccan Mackay Siding Mackdale Mackinnons Harbour Macphees Corner Mahone Bay Main-a-dieu Maitland Maitland Bridge Malagash Manganese Mines Maple Grove Margaree Margaree Centre Margaree Forks Margaree Harbour Margaree Valley Margaretsville Marie Joseph Marion Bridge Mavillette Mccallum Settlement Mcgraths Cove Mcgray Meaghers Grant Melville Membertou Merigomish Meteghan Meteghan Centre Meteghan River Micmac Middle Cape Middle Lahave Middle Musquodoboit Middle Porters Lake Middle Sackville Middle Stewiacke Middle West Pubnico Middleton Middlewood Midville Branch Milford Mill Creek Mill Village Mill Village. Millbrook Millville Milton Mineville Mira Gut Mira Road Molega Lake Monastery Montague Gold Mines Mooseland Moser River Mount Uniacke Mulgrave Murray Siding Musquodoboit Harbour Nappan Neils Harbour New Campbellton New Canada New Germany New Glasgow New Harris New Haven New Minas New Ross New Victoria New Waterford Newcombville Newport Newport Station Newtown Nine Mile River Noel North Alton North East Margaree North East Point North Preston North River North Salem North Sydney North West Arm Northport Northside East Bay Nuttby Oakfield Oakhill Old Barns Oldham Onslow Mountain Orangedale Osborne Harbour Ottawa Brook Oxford Oxford Junction Paradise Parrsboro Peggys Cove Petit De Grat Petit Etang Petite Riviere Pictou Pictou Island Pine Grove Pine Grove. Pinehurst Pipers Cove Pleasant Bay Pleasant Hill Pleasantville Plympton Point Aconi Point Edward Point Tupper Port Caledonia Port Clyde Port Dufferin Port Greville Port Hastings Port Hawkesbury Port Hood Port Howe Port Joli Port La Tour Port Maitland Port Malcolm Port Medway Port Morien Port Mouton Port Williams Portage Porters Lake Portuguese Cove Prime Brook Princeport Prospect Prospect Bay Prospect Village Pubnico Pugwash Pugwash Junction Queensville Red Point Reserve Mines Rhodes Corner Rines Creek River Bourgeois River Denys River Hebert River Hebert East River John River Philip River Ryan Riverport Riversdale Riverside Rock Elm Rose Bay Ross Ferry Round Island Sable River Salmon River Salmon River. Salt Springs Sambro Sambro Creek Sambro Head Sampson Cove Sandfield Sandy Cove Saulnierville Scotch Lake Scotch Village Scotchtown Scotsburn Scotsville Seabright Shad Bay Shag Harbour Shearwater Sheet Harbour Shelburne Shenacadie Sherbrooke Shortts Lake Shubenacadie Shubenacadie East Smiths Cove Smithsville South Bar South Brookfield South Head South Maitland South Ohio South West Margaree Southampton Southside Boularderie Spectacle Lakes Springfield Springhill St Andrews St Andrews Channel St Columba St Margaret Village St Peters St-joseph-du-moine Ste Croix Ste-anne-du-ruisseau Stellarton Stewiacke Stillwater Lake Stirling Stoney Island Sugar Camp Summerville Sunnybrae Sydney Sydney Forks Sydney Mines Sydney River Tancook Island Tangier Tantallon Tatamagouche Terence Bay Thomasville Thorburn Timberlea Tiverton Tower Road Trenton Troy Truro Truro Heights Tusket Upper Branch Upper Brookside Upper Chelsea Upper Grand Mira Upper Hammonds Plains Upper Kennetcook Upper Lahave Upper Leitches Creek Upper Musquodoboit Upper Nine Mile River Upper North River Upper North Sydney Upper Northfield Upper Onslow Upper Port La Tour Upper Rawdon Upper Sackville Upper Stewiacke Upper Tantallon Upper Washabuck Urbania Valley Victoria Mines Wagmatcook Wallace Walton Washabuck Centre Waterloo Waterville Waverley Wedgeport Wellington Wentworth Wentzells Lake West Arichat West Bay West Bay Road West Clifford West Dover West Indian Road West Northfield West Pennant West Porters Lake West Pubnico West River Station West St Andrews Westchester Station Western Shore Westmount Westphal Westport Westville Weymouth Whites Lake Whycocomagh Whynotts Settlement Wileville Williamswood Wilmot Station Windsor Windsor Junction Wittenburg Wolfville Wyses Corner Yarmouth
Latitude or Longitude was not found
HVAC Air Balance powered by Liberty Air Balance Co., Inc. (LABCO) is an independent Air and Hydronics testing agency that provides services for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) industry. We have been working in the HVAC industry for over 30 years, LABCO has been in business in Southern California since 2003 and is a signatory union shop.
LABCO prides itself in working closely with its clients and expediting accurate air balance reports. Every field employee at LABCO is a TABB certified technician who undergoes rigorous classroom and lab training. We also have certified commissioning agents.
LABCO specializes in:
- Air and water systems balancing of new and existing systems
- Pre-construction surveys and plan check
- Hospital airborne isolation rooms, OR’s and crucial air validation for OSHPD
- Clean room certification
- Fire life safety testing
- Smoke evacuation
- Stairwell pressurization testing
- Duct pressurization/leakage testing
- Ultrasonic water flow measurements
- Fume hood certification
- Kitchen hood certification
- Duct detector testing
- Smoke fire damper testing
- 3rd party testing
- Set OSA
- Set minimum CO2 sensors
- Demand control ventilation
At LABCO we have close working relationships with the following mechanical engineers. TKS&C, TTG Corp., JL Hengstler, Gilmore & Associates, P2S Engineering, Building Mechanical Systems and ME Engineers.
At LABCO we have maintained long term associations with Hoag Memorial Hospital (Newport Beach & Irvine), UCI Medical Center, Mission Hospital Laguna, Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank.
We look forward to the opportunity to be of service to you and your company.